Medical Directives

Medical Directives: A Comprehensive Guide

Medical directives, also known as advance directives, are legal documents that allow you to make important decisions about your healthcare in advance. These documents provide guidance to medical professionals and loved ones in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

While many people avoid thinking about these situations, it’s important to have a plan in place. Medical directives can provide peace of mind and ensure that your wishes are respected. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about medical directives.

What Are Medical Directives?

Medical directives are legal documents that allow you to communicate your healthcare preferences in advance. They come in a variety of forms, but generally include two types of directives: living wills and durable power of attorney for healthcare.

Living wills outline your preferences for medical treatments in various scenarios, such as whether or not you want life support if you are in a coma or vegetative state. Durable power of attorney for healthcare, on the other hand, designates someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

Why Are Medical Directives Important?

Medical directives are important for several reasons. First, they ensure that your wishes are respected if you are unable to communicate them. Without a medical directive, medical professionals may make decisions based on what they think is best, rather than what you would want.

Second, medical directives can help reduce stress and confusion for your loved ones. If you become incapacitated and don’t have a medical directive, your loved ones may be left to make difficult decisions without knowing your wishes.

Finally, medical directives can provide peace of mind for you. Knowing that you have a plan in place can help alleviate anxiety and allow you to focus on your health and well-being.

How to Create a Medical Directive

Creating a medical directive is a simple process. You can start by talking to your doctor or a lawyer to get a better understanding of the options available to you. You can also find resources online that provide templates for medical directives.

When creating your medical directive, it’s important to be specific about your wishes. For example, if you have strong feelings about life support, make sure you include those preferences in your living will. You should also choose someone you trust to be your healthcare agent if you choose to create a durable power of attorney for healthcare.

Once you have created your medical directive, make sure to share it with your loved ones, healthcare providers, and anyone else who may need to reference it in the future. You should also keep a copy of your directive in a safe and easily accessible location.


Medical directives are an important tool for ensuring that your healthcare preferences are respected in the event that you are unable to make decisions for yourself. By creating a medical directive, you can provide peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. If you haven’t already created a medical directive, now is the time to start. Consult with a lawyer or your doctor to get started.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Designation of Beneficiary

Designation of Beneficiary: Importance, Process, and Tips

Designation of Beneficiary is a legal document that allows you to specify who should receive your assets in the event of your death. It is an essential aspect of estate planning that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Without it, your assets could be subject to a lengthy and costly probate process, and may not end up in the hands of the people you intended.

What is Designation of Beneficiary?

Designation of Beneficiary is a legal document that allows you to name the people or entities who will receive your assets upon your death. This document is typically used for life insurance policies, retirement plans, and other financial accounts. By designating a beneficiary, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, without the need for probate.

The Importance of Designation of Beneficiary

Designation of Beneficiary is an essential part of estate planning, as it allows you to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. If you were to pass away without a designated beneficiary, your assets may be subject to the probate process, which can be lengthy and costly. During probate, your assets are distributed according to state law, which may not align with your wishes. By designating a beneficiary, you can avoid the probate process altogether and ensure that your assets are distributed to the people or entities you intended.

The Process of Designation of Beneficiary

The process of Designation of Beneficiary varies depending on the type of asset you are designating a beneficiary for. For life insurance policies and retirement plans, you typically need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by the company that holds the policy or plan. The form will ask for the name and contact information of the beneficiary, as well as their relationship to you. You may also be required to provide the beneficiary’s social security number.

For other financial accounts, such as bank accounts or investment accounts, you may need to fill out a Transfer on Death (TOD) form. This form serves a similar purpose to the beneficiary designation form, allowing you to specify who should receive your assets upon your death.

Tips for Designation of Beneficiary

Here are some tips to keep in mind when designating a beneficiary:

Keep your beneficiary designation up to date: Life events, such as marriage, divorce, and the birth of children, can affect your beneficiary designation. Make sure to review and update your beneficiary designation whenever your circumstances change.

Name contingent beneficiaries: In the event that your primary beneficiary predeceases you, it is important to name a contingent beneficiary to ensure that your assets are still distributed according to your wishes.

Consult with an attorney: Estate planning can be complex, and it is always a good idea to consult with an attorney to ensure that your Designation of Beneficiary and other estate planning documents are in order.


Designation of Beneficiary is an essential aspect of estate planning that allows you to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. By designating a beneficiary, you can avoid the probate process and ensure that your assets are distributed to the people or entities you intended. Remember to keep your beneficiary designation up to date and consult with an attorney to ensure that your estate planning documents are in order.

Structured Settlements

Structured Settlements: A Comprehensive Guide

Structured settlements are an excellent option for those who want a reliable and steady stream of income over a long period. They are agreements between parties to pay damages to the plaintiff or beneficiaries in a personal injury or wrongful death case. These payments are typically made over an extended period, usually several years, and can help provide financial security for those who are unable to work due to their injuries.

If you are considering a structured settlement or already have one, it’s crucial to understand how they work, the benefits, and the drawbacks. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know about structured settlements.

What Are Structured Settlements?

Structured settlements are an alternative to lump-sum payments in personal injury or wrongful death cases. Instead of receiving a one-time payment, the plaintiff or beneficiaries receive a series of payments over an extended period. The payments are usually made monthly or annually and can last for several years or even a lifetime.

Structured settlements can be used for various reasons, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Long-term care

Structured settlements are a win-win for both parties. The plaintiff or beneficiaries receive a steady stream of income, which helps cover expenses and provides financial security. At the same time, the defendant or the defendant’s insurer doesn’t have to pay a large sum upfront and can spread out the payments over time.

Benefits of Structured Settlements

Structured settlements offer several benefits, including:

Tax Benefits: In most cases, the income received from structured settlements is tax-free, providing a significant financial advantage.

Financial Security: Structured settlements provide a reliable and steady stream of income, ensuring that beneficiaries have financial security over a long period.

Flexibility: Structured settlements can be customized to meet the specific needs of the beneficiary, providing flexibility in payment options and schedules.

Protection from Creditors: In many states, structured settlements are protected from creditors, providing an added layer of financial security.

Drawbacks of Structured Settlements

Structured settlements are not without their drawbacks. Some of the potential disadvantages include:

Limited Access to Funds: Because the payments are spread out over time, beneficiaries may not have access to the full amount of the settlement upfront, which can be problematic in emergencies.

Lack of Control: Once a structured settlement is in place, the beneficiary has limited control over the payments, which can be frustrating for some.

Inflation: The payments from a structured settlement may not keep up with inflation over time, which can result in the beneficiary’s income losing value.

Managing Structured Settlements

If you have a structured settlement or are considering one, it’s crucial to manage it carefully. Here are some tips to help you:

Work with an Experienced Attorney: Structured settlements can be complicated, so it’s essential to work with an experienced attorney who can help you understand the terms and conditions.

Plan for Emergencies: Because structured settlements provide payments over time, it’s essential to have a plan in place for emergencies.

Consider Selling Your Structured Settlement: If you need access to funds upfront, you can consider selling your structured settlement. However, this option should only be used in emergencies and after careful consideration.

Understanding the importance of supporting documents for disability claims can significantly increase your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve. While it can be a daunting process, gathering the necessary information and documentation can provide a clear and concise picture of your disability and how it affects your ability to work. By being organized, proactive, and working closely with your healthcare providers and legal counsel, you can increase your chances of a successful outcome. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support and guidance along the way, as the process can be complex and overwhelming. Remember, with the right documentation and advocacy, you can receive the benefits you are entitled to and focus on improving your quality of life.

Affidavits of Independent Professional Advice

Affidavits of independent professional advice (IPA) are legal documents that are commonly used in certain situations to protect the interests of all parties involved. An IPA is a written statement signed by a professional who has provided advice to one or more of the parties involved in a transaction. The purpose of the IPA is to demonstrate that the advice given was independent and impartial and that the person receiving the advice understood the consequences of their decisions.

IPAs are most commonly used in real estate transactions, particularly when dealing with commercial properties. When a business is purchasing or leasing a commercial property, there are a number of legal and financial considerations that need to be taken into account. These may include zoning laws, environmental regulations, tax implications, and financing options, among others.

In order to ensure that all parties are fully informed of their rights and responsibilities, it is common for each party to seek advice from their own legal and financial advisors. However, in some cases, one party may have more experience or expertise in a particular area than the other parties involved. In these situations, an IPA can be used to demonstrate that the party receiving the advice understood the implications of their decisions and that the advice given was impartial and unbiased.

In addition to real estate transactions, IPAs may also be used in other situations where there is a potential conflict of interest. For example, in the context of estate planning, an IPA may be used to demonstrate that a person who is making a will or trust has received independent advice and fully understands the consequences of their decisions. Similarly, in the context of business transactions, an IPA may be used to demonstrate that all parties involved in a merger or acquisition have received independent advice and understand the implications of their decisions.

There are a number of different legal and regulatory requirements that may dictate when an IPA is required. For example, in some jurisdictions, an IPA may be required in order to comply with securities laws or other regulations. In other cases, the use of an IPA may be voluntary but may still be recommended in order to protect the interests of all parties involved.

In order to be effective, an IPA must meet certain requirements. First, the person providing the advice must be qualified and have the necessary expertise in the area in question. Second, the advice given must be independent and impartial, and must not be influenced by any external factors. Finally, the person receiving the advice must understand the implications of their decisions and must be fully informed of their rights and responsibilities.

In conclusion, affidavits of independent professional advice are an important legal tool that can be used to protect the interests of all parties involved in a transaction. Whether you are involved in a real estate transaction, estate planning, or business transaction, seeking independent professional advice and documenting that advice through an IPA can help ensure that all parties are fully informed and protected. If you have questions about whether an IPA is required in your situation, it is important to consult with a qualified legal professional.

Mortgage Closing Documents

If you’re in the process of buying a home, you’ll soon come across a stack of documents that require your signature before the sale is complete. These documents are known as mortgage closing documents, and they serve to finalize the terms of your home loan and the transfer of ownership.

While the stack of paperwork may seem overwhelming, it’s essential to read and understand each document before signing. In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the most important mortgage closing documents you’ll encounter during the homebuying process.

Closing Disclosure (CD)

The Closing Disclosure is a five-page document that outlines all of the final details of your mortgage loan. It includes the loan terms, interest rate, monthly payments, closing costs, and any other fees associated with the loan. The CD is typically provided to you three days before the closing date so you can review the terms and make sure they match the Loan Estimate you received earlier in the process.

Promissory Note

The Promissory Note is a legal document that outlines the terms of the loan, including the amount borrowed, the interest rate, and the repayment schedule. It also includes any penalties for missed payments or early repayment. By signing the Promissory Note, you agree to repay the loan according to the terms outlined in the document.

Mortgage Deed (or Deed of Trust)

The Mortgage Deed, also known as a Deed of Trust, is a legal document that gives the lender a security interest in the property until the loan is repaid in full. It outlines the terms of the loan, including the amount borrowed, the interest rate, and the repayment schedule. It also includes a legal description of the property being financed and the names of the parties involved.

Bill of Sale

The Bill of Sale is a legal document that transfers ownership of personal property from the seller to the buyer. In the case of a home purchase, this typically includes any appliances or other personal property that were included in the sale.

Closing Affidavit

The Closing Affidavit is a legal document that certifies that all of the information provided in the loan application is true and accurate to the best of the borrower’s knowledge. It also confirms that the borrower has not taken on any additional debt since the loan application was submitted.

Title Documents

Title Documents are legal documents that confirm the seller’s legal ownership of the property and provide information about any liens or encumbrances on the property. The title company will conduct a title search to ensure that the property can be legally transferred to the buyer.

Homeowners Insurance Documents

Before the loan can be closed, you’ll need to provide proof of homeowners insurance. This typically includes the insurance policy and proof of payment for the first year of coverage.

In conclusion, mortgage closing documents can be overwhelming, but it’s important to understand what you’re signing. If you have any questions about the documents or the terms of your loan, don’t hesitate to ask your lender or real estate agent. By understanding the mortgage closing process and the documents involved, you’ll be better prepared to complete your home purchase and move into your new home.

Affidavit Services

An affidavit is a written statement made under oath that is used in various legal matters. It serves as evidence and is used in court proceedings, transactions, and other legal matters. Affidavits need to be accurate and reliable, as they carry significant legal weight. This is why it is important to have a professional prepare and notarize your affidavit. This is where affidavit services come in.

Affidavit services provide assistance in the preparation, drafting, and notarization of affidavits. They ensure that the information included in the affidavit is accurate, complete, and reliable. Here are some reasons why you should consider using affidavit services for your legal matters:

Accuracy and Reliability: Affidavit services have professionals who specialize in the preparation and drafting of affidavits. They understand the legal requirements and the importance of accuracy and reliability in legal matters. They ensure that the information provided in the affidavit is complete and accurate, and that the language used is clear and concise.

Time-Saving: Preparing and drafting an affidavit can be time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the legal requirements. Affidavit services can save you time by preparing and drafting the affidavit for you. They also provide notarization services, which can save you time and effort.

Legal Expertise: Affidavit services have professionals with legal expertise who understand the legal requirements and the importance of accuracy in legal matters. They can provide guidance and advice on the content of the affidavit, ensuring that it complies with the legal requirements.

Notarization Services: Affidavit services also provide notarization services. Notarization is the process of certifying the authenticity of a signature on a document. Notarized affidavits carry more legal weight than non-notarized affidavits. Affidavit services have professionals who are authorized to notarize documents, ensuring that your affidavit is legally binding.

Convenience: Affidavit services provide a convenient and hassle-free way of preparing and notarizing affidavits. They offer online services, which means that you can access their services from anywhere. This saves you time and effort, as you do not have to visit their offices to get your affidavit prepared and notarized.

In conclusion, affidavits are an important part of legal matters. They serve as evidence and carry significant legal weight. It is important to ensure that the information included in the affidavit is accurate and reliable. Affidavit services provide assistance in the preparation, drafting, and notarization of affidavits, ensuring that they are accurate and reliable. They also provide time-saving, legal expertise, notarization services, and convenience. Consider using our affidavit services for your legal matters to ensure that your affidavit is accurate, complete, and reliable.


When it comes to planning for the future, creating a will is an essential step. A will is a legal document that outlines how you want your assets to be distributed after you pass away. It also allows you to name an executor who will manage your affairs and ensures that your wishes are followed.
Despite its importance, many people still do not have a will in place. This can lead to confusion, disputes, and unnecessary expenses for your loved ones. In this blog post, we’ll explore why you need a will and how to get started on creating one.

Protect Your Family’s Future

One of the main reasons to have a will is to protect your family’s future. Without a will, your assets will be distributed according to state laws, which may not align with your wishes. This can create conflicts and disputes among family members, causing unnecessary stress and expenses.

By having a will, you can ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. This includes property, finances, and personal possessions. You can also name a guardian for your children, ensuring that they are taken care of by someone you trust.

Choose an Executor

Another important aspect of creating a will is choosing an executor. This is the person who will manage your affairs after you pass away, including distributing your assets, paying off debts, and handling any legal matters.

Choosing an executor is a crucial decision that should not be taken lightly. It’s important to choose someone who is trustworthy, responsible, and capable of handling the tasks involved. You can also name a backup executor in case your first choice is unable or unwilling to fulfill the role.

Minimize Estate Taxes

Having a will can also help minimize estate taxes, which can be a significant expense for your loved ones. By structuring your estate in a certain way, you can reduce the amount of taxes that need to be paid.

For example, you can set up a trust that allows your assets to be transferred to your beneficiaries without going through probate, which can be a lengthy and costly process. You can also take advantage of the annual gift tax exclusion to reduce the amount of taxes owed.

Ensure Your Wishes Are Followed

Perhaps the most important reason to have a will is to ensure that your wishes are followed. A will allows you to specify exactly how you want your assets to be distributed and who should be responsible for carrying out your wishes.

This can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones, knowing that your wishes will be respected and followed. It can also prevent conflicts and disputes among family members, allowing them to focus on grieving and healing.

In conclusion, having a will is crucial for protecting your family’s future, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and minimizing expenses and taxes. If you don’t have a will in place, now is the time to get started on creating one. Contact an attorney or use an online legal service to ensure that your will is legally binding and meets your specific needs.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Vehicle Licensing Notary Services

If you’re in the process of licensing your vehicle, you know how much of a hassle it can be. There are numerous forms to fill out, documents to gather, and fees to pay. One of the biggest headaches can be finding a notary public to notarize your required documents.

But what if you could streamline the entire process by using a vehicle licensing notary service? With this convenient service, you can get the necessary documents notarized quickly and easily, without having to wait in long lines or deal with confusing paperwork.

Here are some of the top reasons to consider using a vehicle licensing notary service:

Convenience: Instead of spending hours trying to find a notary public who is available and willing to notarize your documents, you can simply schedule an appointment with a vehicle licensing notary service. This saves you time and hassle, and ensures that you get your documents notarized quickly and easily.

Expertise: Vehicle licensing notary services are experienced in notarizing the documents required for vehicle licensing. They understand the specific requirements and can help ensure that your documents are notarized correctly the first time.

Cost-effective: While some notary publics may charge high fees for their services, vehicle licensing notary services typically offer competitive pricing. This can help you save money on the overall cost of licensing your vehicle.

Peace of mind: When you use a vehicle licensing notary service, you can rest easy knowing that your documents have been notarized correctly and are ready to be submitted to the appropriate authorities. This can help you avoid delays or rejections in the licensing process.

Additional services: In addition to notarizing your vehicle licensing documents, some vehicle licensing notary services may offer other related services, such as VIN verifications or assistance with DMV paperwork.

Overall, using a vehicle licensing notary service can be a smart choice for anyone looking to streamline the licensing process and save time and hassle. With their expertise, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, vehicle licensing notary services are a valuable resource for anyone in need of notary services for their vehicle licensing documents.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Apostilles Services

If you have important documents that you need to use for business or personal reasons abroad, you will likely need to get them authenticated through the Apostille process. An Apostille is a certificate issued by the Washington State Secretary of State that verifies the authenticity of a document so that it can be used in a foreign country.

At our Washington State notary business, we offer Apostille services to help you streamline the process of getting your documents authenticated. Our experienced notaries are knowledgeable about the Apostille process and can guide you through each step, ensuring that your documents are processed efficiently and accurately.

We offer Apostille services for a wide range of documents, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce decrees, educational transcripts, and more. Our team can assist you with the entire process, from notarizing your documents to submitting them for Apostille certification.

One of the advantages of using our Apostille services is that we can handle the entire process for you, saving you time and hassle. You won’t have to navigate the complex Apostille process on your own or worry about making mistakes that could delay the authentication of your documents. Our team will ensure that everything is completed accurately and efficiently, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your documents will be authenticated and ready to use as quickly as possible.

Another advantage of using our Apostille services is that we offer competitive pricing. We understand that getting your documents authenticated for international use can be costly, and we strive to offer affordable rates to make the process as accessible as possible.

Whether you need to use your documents for business or personal reasons, our Apostille services can help you streamline the process and get your documents authenticated efficiently and accurately. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your Apostille needs.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Travel Documents

Whether you’re planning a vacation or traveling abroad for work, one thing is for sure: you need to have your travel documents in order. From passports to visas to other forms of identification, there are many documents that you need to prepare and bring with you when traveling overseas. But did you know that many of these documents need to be notarized before they can be used?

In Washington State, notary publics provide a range of services for travel documents. Here are some of the most essential notary services for travel documents that you should know about:

  • Passport Applications and Renewals: A notary public can help you notarize your passport application or renewal form, which is required by the U.S. Department of State. This can save you time and hassle, as you won’t need to travel to a passport acceptance facility to get your application notarized.
  • International Travel Consent Forms: If you’re traveling with a minor who is not your child, you’ll need to have a consent form notarized by a notary public. This document is required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection to prove that the child has permission to travel with you.
  • Affidavits of Loss or Theft: If you lose your passport or other travel documents while traveling abroad, you may need to file an affidavit of loss or theft with the U.S. Department of State. This document must be notarized by a notary public.
  • Power of Attorney for Travel: If you’re unable to travel due to a medical condition or other reason, you may need to appoint someone to act on your behalf. A notary public can help you notarize a power of attorney for travel, which authorizes another person to make travel arrangements and decisions on your behalf.
  • International Driver’s Licenses: If you’re planning on driving in another country, you may need to obtain an international driver’s license. A notary public can help you notarize your application for an international driver’s license.

In addition to these services, notary publics can also provide translation services for travel documents, such as birth certificates and marriage licenses. Notarized translations are often required when applying for visas or other travel documents.

Notarizing your travel documents is an important step in preparing for international travel. It ensures that your documents are valid and recognized by the appropriate authorities. By using a reputable notary service in Washington State, you can save time and avoid the hassle of having to travel to multiple locations to get your documents notarized.

Whether you’re a frequent traveler or planning your first trip abroad, make sure you have all the necessary documents notarized before you go. Contact us to learn more about the essential notary services for travel documents.

Power of Attorneys

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that grants someone else the authority to act on your behalf. This can include making financial or legal decisions, signing contracts, and managing your affairs. In Washington State, it is crucial to notarize your POA to ensure its validity and enforceability.

Notarizing a POA involves having a notary public witness the signing of the document and verify the identities of all parties involved. The notary will then affix their official seal or stamp to the document, certifying that it was signed in their presence and that all parties were identified properly.

In Washington State, there are two options for notarizing your POA: remote and in-person notary services.

Remote Notary Services

Remote notary services allow you to notarize your POA without leaving the comfort of your own home. With the rise of technology, remote notary services have become increasingly popular in recent years. They provide a convenient option for those who are unable to physically visit a notary public.

Remote notary services require the use of a webcam, microphone, and secure online platform. The notary public will witness the signing of the document over a video call and verify the identities of all parties involved. Once the notarization is complete, the notary will affix their official seal or stamp to the document and provide a digital copy for your records.

In-Person Notary Services

In-person notary services involve physically meeting with a notary public to have your POA notarized. This option is suitable for those who prefer a more traditional approach to notarization or who have documents that cannot be notarized remotely.

To find an in-person notary public, you can visit your local bank, law firm, or notary public office, like us. It is important to call ahead and ensure that the notary public is available to notarize your POA and that they have the necessary equipment and supplies to do so.

Choosing the Right Option for You

When deciding between remote and in-person notary services, there are several factors to consider. These include your location, availability, document type, and personal preferences.

If you live in a remote area or have mobility issues, remote notary services may be the best option for you. They offer the convenience of notarizing your POA from anywhere, without having to travel long distances.

On the other hand, if you have complex legal documents or prefer to have a face-to-face interaction with a notary public, in-person notary services may be the way to go.

It is important to note that not all documents can be notarized remotely. Certain legal documents, such as real estate transactions, require in-person notarization. Be sure to check with your notary public (us) to determine the best option for your specific needs.

In conclusion, notarizing your POA is a crucial step in ensuring its validity and enforceability. Whether you choose remote or in-person notary services, be sure to work with a trusted and experienced notary public to ensure the proper notarization of your documents.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Real Estate Forms

Real estate transactions involve a lot of paperwork, and many of these documents require notarization to be legally binding. Notarization is the process of verifying the authenticity of a document and the identity of the person signing it. A notary public is a trained and authorized professional who can provide notary services for a variety of legal documents, including real estate forms.

If you are buying, selling, or refinancing a property in Washington State, it is important to know which real estate forms require notarization and how to get them notarized. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the essential notary services for real estate forms and how a notary public can help you with the process.

Power of Attorney for Real Estate Transactions

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that gives someone else the authority to act on your behalf. In real estate transactions, a POA is often used when the buyer or seller is unable to be physically present for the closing. A notary public can notarize a POA for real estate transactions to ensure that the document is legally binding.

Deed of Trust

A deed of trust is a legal document that is used in real estate transactions to secure a loan. It is a three-party agreement between the borrower, lender, and trustee. The deed of trust must be notarized to be legally binding. A notary public can notarize a deed of trust to ensure that the document is valid and enforceable.

Promissory Note

A promissory note is a legal document that outlines the terms of a loan, including the amount, interest rate, and repayment schedule. In real estate transactions, a promissory note is often used to secure a loan for the purchase of a property. The promissory note must be notarized to be legally binding. A notary public can notarize a promissory note to ensure that the document is valid and enforceable.

Quit Claim Deed

A quit claim deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of real property from one person to another. It is often used in situations where there is no actual sale of the property, such as when transferring ownership between family members. A quit claim deed must be notarized to be legally binding. A notary public can notarize a quit claim deed to ensure that the transfer of ownership is legally valid.

Affidavit of Title

An affidavit of title is a legal document that provides information about the title of a property, such as liens or other encumbrances. It is often used in real estate transactions to ensure that the buyer is purchasing a property with a clear title. An affidavit of title must be notarized to be legally binding. A notary public can notarize an affidavit of title to ensure that the information provided is accurate and legally binding.


Notarization is an essential part of the real estate transaction process. Many legal documents used in real estate transactions must be notarized to be legally binding. A notary public is a trained and authorized professional who can provide notary services for a variety of legal documents, including real estate forms.

If you are buying, selling, or refinancing a property in Washington State, it is important to know which real estate forms require notarization and how to get them notarized. We can help you with the process and ensure that your real estate transaction is legally binding.

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association

Loan Documents

If you’re in the process of securing a loan, whether it’s a mortgage, auto loan, or personal loan, you’ll likely encounter a variety of loan documents that require notarization. Notarization is an important part of the loan process, as it provides an added layer of protection against fraud and ensures that all parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the loan. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at notarization requirements for loan documents in Washington State and explore how a remote notary can help streamline the process.

What Are Loan Documents?

Loan documents are legal agreements between a lender and borrower that outline the terms and conditions of the loan. These documents typically include a promissory note, which outlines the borrower’s promise to repay the loan, as well as additional documents such as mortgages, deeds of trust, and security agreements. These documents serve as collateral for the loan and provide the lender with the legal right to repossess the collateral in the event of default.

Why Are Loan Documents Notarized?

Notarization provides an added layer of protection for both the lender and borrower by ensuring that all parties understand the terms and conditions of the loan and are aware of their legal obligations. Notaries act as impartial witnesses to the signing of loan documents, verifying the identity of the signer and ensuring that they are signing the document of their own free will. Notarization also helps prevent fraud by deterring would-be criminals from attempting to forge loan documents or impersonate signers.

Notarization Requirements for Loan Documents in Washington State

In Washington State, loan documents must be notarized in order to be considered legally binding. Notaries are authorized to witness the signing of loan documents, verify the identity of the signer, and affix their official seal to the document. In addition, notaries are required to keep a record of all notarial acts they perform and maintain these records for a period of at least 10 years.

Loan documents that may require notarization in Washington State include:

  • Promissory notes
  • Mortgages
  • Deeds of trust
  • Security agreements
  • Powers of attorney related to loan transactions
  • Affidavits related to loan transactions

Notarization can be done in person or remotely, depending on the type of loan and the preferences of the parties involved. Remote notarization is becoming increasingly popular in Washington State, as it allows borrowers and lenders to sign loan documents from anywhere using a secure online platform.

How Can a Remote Notary Help?

A remote notary can help streamline the loan process by providing borrowers and lenders with a convenient and efficient way to sign loan documents. Instead of having to travel to a physical location to have loan documents notarized, borrowers and lenders can sign documents remotely using a secure online platform. This can save time and money and reduce the risk of fraud by eliminating the need for in-person meetings.

In order to use a remote notary for loan document notarization in Washington State, the notary must be authorized by the Washington State Department of Licensing and comply with all state laws and regulations related to remote notarization. This includes verifying the identity of the signer using approved methods, ensuring that the signer is physically located in Washington State at the time of signing, and maintaining a record of the notarial act.


Notarization is an important part of the loan process in Washington State, providing an added layer of protection for both lenders and borrowers

More Notary information can be found here:

Washington State DOL Notary resources 

National Notary Association